Monday, May 19, 2014

It All Falls In Place

Hey Guys! Today I wanted to share some super exciting news with you! But I need to tell you a few things first.

Most of you know that I have worked at a drugstore for a while. I got the job back in 2008 to help financially. I wasn't planning on staying long, maybe a year. Then, I got pregnant with Matthew and that changed everything. I had to keep the job to help take care of my son and to keep insurance coverage on both of us. I have had highs and lows in this job, but about a month ago, I reached my breaking point.

I text JP several times telling him that I couldn't take it anymore and that I needed him to calm me down before I left work. He and I had several discussions about it and did lots of praying on the matter. Then we decided to take a huge leap of faith. We decided that I would search super hard for another job, anything, anywhere. Then we decided that even if I couldn't find anything, I would put in my notice and be gone from this job by June 2.

Then, I got a text from my mom. She asked me if I would be interested in working at a daycare. Working with kids is something that I have always been passionate about and have always considered. I wanted to be a teacher for the longest time, but college just never happened for me. This was an amazing opportunity! And she told me there was an opening for their 2PM-6PM position. I got really excited. That meant that I would still be able to come home at night and have dinner with my guys. It meant for the first time in almost 5 years, I would be home to tuck my son into bed every single night. It meant I wouldn't have to request weekends off or holidays off to spend with my family. It meant so much.

I went and applied for the job. They told me they were taking applications all week long and would probably call me the next week. The next morning, I got a phone call. They wanted me to come in for an interview that day. When I got there, we talked for a bit and she offered me the job. I went in for my orientation type thing today, and she offered me something even better than I could have hoped.

I was looking at having a part time position, but she offered me a full time position. I am so excited and really looking forward to this new chapter in my life! I cannot wait to see what is going to happen with this job, but I feel like God set the timing up perfectly. It is amazing what can happen in your life with a little bit of patience and a LOT of faith in your Lord.

I ask that you please be patient with me as I try to adjust life to a totally new schedule. I may miss a few days of posting here and there, but I will do my best to get it all figured out quickly. Thank you so much for reading!

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